Monday, 31 August 2015


J's Summary (6Y5M26D) - Read a Danish Book for the First Time

J (6Y5M26D) came home very excited and eager to show me his stuff boy, luggage and a reading book. He told me that he got the reading luggage from the teacher. He claimed that he was selected to be the first in class to do this, because he has been always been the first to complete his homework. Not sure how true this was, but I am glad that I have been very conscientious in checking his homework and making sure that he does it.

What he is supposed to do, is that he is supposed to read a book. Today he brought the book home from the school and he couldn't wait to read to me on the way home. But we were going to piano class, so I said that he would have to wait.

When we came home, he insisted that he wanted to read to me. So we sat down on the sofa and he read to me. He could read everything, but I guessed that the pictures helped. Apart from Chinese, which I conscientiously make him read to me, this is the first time that he read a Danish book to us. So that was a pleasant surprise.

I am also very delighted to see that he is so eager to learn to read and that the teacher has inculcated the passion for learning in him. So far, I have been very satisfied with the school. Thank God for being with us and giving such a good start so far.

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