Monday, 31 January 2011


Quick & Easy Chinese Fish Soup with Ginger/Hurtig og Nem Kinesisk Laks Suppe med Ingefær/鲑鱼湯 [guī yú tāng]

Fish soup

Fish Noodle Soup

J's portion
Recipe from Miranda

Serves 4

Preparation and Cook Time: 15 minutes

- 4 salmon filets (approx. 400g) cut into cubes
- 3-5 slices of ginger cut into strips (depending how strong you desire)
- 1-1.5 litre of water
- 1 stalk of spring onion (optional)
- Salt and pepper to taste (optional)

1. Bring to boil the water in a pot.

2. Add ginger and salmon, reduce heat and cook for 30 secs - 1 minute or until cooked.

3. Garnish with spring onions (optional)

1. You can add noodles and even bean spouts into it and make it into Fish Noodle soup.

2. You can follow the same recipe for other types of fish such as cod fish or threadfin.

Nutritional Value:
Salmon is high in protein, heme iron, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, niacin, phosphorous, potassium, copper and Omega-3s. There are three kinds of Omega-3s in salmon--docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and alpha-linoleic acid (ALA). Like most fish, there are no carbohydrates in salmon.

Ginger is both a spice as well as a herb that boasts of a number of medicinal properties. It contains lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, Calcium, Fietary Fiber, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Protein, riboflavin, Selenium, phosphorous, Vitamin C, E and B6, and trace nutrients. It is also an antioxidant. The nutrients present inside ginger, especially its volatile oils - gingerols and shogaols, accord a number of health benefits to its users. The Chinese believe that ginger stimulates gastric juices, provides warming and soothing effects for colds and coughs, relieves nausea, expels wind in the stomach, protects the body against bad bacteria and prevents and fights against cancer.

Additional Information:
This is a very quick and easy soup to prepare. I learned this from my Taiwanese colleague, Miranda, who made this soup for her 9 months old baby girl. Her baby girl loves it even without salt, but you can add salt if you are serving adults.

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