Thursday, 19 May 2011


Montessori Activity: Matching Containers with Lids

Inspired from Montessori Moments

Age: From 2 years old

Activity Duration: 5-15 minutes

Preparation Time: 5 minutes


1. To train the child’s fine motor skills.
2. To train hand-eye coordination.
3. To teach about different sizes.


1. 3 - 5 plastics or metal containers and bottles with lids
2. 1 Tray


1. Demonstrate by taking the lids out of the container one-by-one and then putting the lids back.
2. Hand your child a container, and then hand him the lid.
3. Encourage him to try to put the lid back.

Additional Information:

For younger children, start with one container first, and add more for complexity along the way and let your child try to match the different lids with the respective containers.

J (2Y2M14D) tried this on 20.5.2011, and he managed to match all the lids correctly. He also managed to screw in the cap for the bottles correctly, though it wasn't as easily. Then he wanted me to fill in some water into the bottle.


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