Sunday, 26 February 2012


Montessori Activity: Fun with Teaching Pattern Recognition through Fanta-Colour Peg Board/模式识别

Age: From 4 years

Activity Duration: 10-15 minutes

1. To get the child ready for Maths.
2. To teach logic and number pattern recognition.
3. To train the child’s fine motor skills.

1. Fanta-colour peg board
2. 1 tray

1. Make a pattern using the fanta-colour peg.

2. Encourage your child to peg a square by following the pattern you have just set.

Or you can vary the game as follows:
1. Peg a rectangle with a embedded pattern.

2. Take away some of the pegs and ask your child to peg the missing pegs, following the pattern.

Additional Information:
Recognizing patterns is part of the pre-school kindergarten curriculum in Singapore, and I saw such a problem sum from the Singapore pre-Maths book. I am getting some inspiration to turn it into a fun and educational Montessori activity, by getting my inspiration from browsing the Singapore Maths books. This activity is too advance for Joshua, but I am just recording it down, before I forget it.

You can buy fanta-colour peg board from Amazon:

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