Tuesday, 18 September 2012


School Time/Skoletid/上课时间

Duration: 7 - 7.30pm (30 mins)

Montessori Time:

We are slowly getting more organized and I think it is about time that we follow a curriculum. I bought the Brillant Minds Montessori Reading and Writing Kit Program and started the first lesson yesterday.

Today, we did the pre-handwriting activity of drawing lines with thick markers. We did it on the mat, but I will slowly transit it to the desk. The program advises that this exercise should be repeated daily, and provided a CD of worksheets (As it is copyright protected, I could not share them here). We will try. So far today, Joshua has enjoyed it a lot, but the novelty may wear off.

After drawing lines, we used the same sheet to paste pasta, another handwriting preparation spatial orientation and fine motor development lesson in the program. Joshua counted all the way to 24 while pasting the pasta. It has been fun for him:
To reinforce the letter C that we started yesterday and continuing with stickers, we traced letter C today with stickers from 1+1+1=1:

Blanket Time:

Joshua heard the story of the Little Red Riding Hood in Danish at his kindergarten today. Coordinating with his kindergarten, this evening I read him the same story in Chinese as part of our trilingualism pursuit:

Desk Time:

Joshua did one page of his Chinese worksheet today. He could have done more, but now that he has dropped his mid-day nap, he was overtired.



1 comment:

  1. Hi Elaine,
    I have learned so much just reading your blog the first time, especially about raising your child to tricultural. It's really interesting. I don't know how to message you other than via this blog. It would be great to exchange emails. Mine is mhl.int@cbs.dk. Hope to hear from you!



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