Saturday, 12 March 2022


Copy-Cat Bake McDonalds Chicken Nuggets



Chicken meat:
1. 500 g chicken fillet
2. 1 clove garlic pressed
3. 1 onion minced
4. 1 TBS soy sauce
5. juice of 1/2 lemon
6. 50ml fresh milk or water
7. 1 egg
8. 1 TBS potato starch
9. Salt & pepper to taste

Dry bread crumb mixture:
1. 1 cup bread crumbs
2. 1 tsp paprika powder (optional)
3. 1 tsp dried thyme (optional)
4. Salt & pepper to taste

1. 1/2 cup olive oil
2. 1/2 cup potato starch
3. 2 eggs


1. Blend in a food processor or blender chicken fillet, pressed garlic, 1 egg, 1 clove pressed garlic, 1/2 minced onion, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 tablespoon potato starch, salt and pepper until smooth - this is key, don't skip this step!

2. Shape the chicken mixture into nuggets.

3. Coat each nugget lightly with potato starch.

4. In a bowl, beat 2 eggs and coat the nuggets it.

5. Combine 1 cup bread crumbs, 1 tsp paprika, 1 tsp dried thyme, salt and pepper.

6. Coat the nuggets with bread crumbs mixture.

7. On a baking tray laid with baking sheet, place chicken nuggets on the tray.

8. Spray olive oil over them, then turn them around to spray the other side.

9. Bake at 200 degree Celsius (400 F) for 15-20 minutes until golden.


Prepare in batches in advance for your teenager. Freeze them and reheat a portion at a time in the oven at 200 degree celsius for 15 minutes or until warm through and crispy :-)

Additional Information:

J, C and Daddy FECS liked it. You can freeze it up before baking it. After experimenting with many on-line recipes, I find that it is not necessary to make the egg batter. Using just eggs are fine. And I found that frying it with coated with egg barter didn't come up good at all - the nuggets look like some thick Asian banana fritters. Coating them with bread crumbs before baking them give much better result and also healthier than frying. Serve the chicken nuggets with ketchup or mayonnaise and French fries with salad.

Trying out different recipes on the net, I find that it is not necessary to make the egg batter. Just using eggs are good enough. It is also not necessary to make the bread crumbs mixture. Just using bread crumbs are good enough too. And it is not necessary to roast the bread crumbs. There is not much of a difference in the end results.


Coat each of the nuggets with potato starch

Coat each of them with beaten egg

Coat the nuggets with the bread crumb mixture

Drizzle with olive oil on each side of the nuggets

Now it's done :-)

10 March 2022 (5Y): C trying a chicken nugget

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