Wednesday, 30 March 2011


J Summary (2Y25D) - Proclaiming: "My mother"

Usually J was the last kid to be picked up from the daycare. On Monday (28 March 2011, 2Y23D), I picked him up a little earlier, and thus there were still many kids there. Two year old J ran to me looking very proud and said to the kids loudly and smilingly, "Min mor" meaning my mother in Danish.

I could feel the pride in him. No matter how rich or poor, how pretty or ugly, how fat or slim, how neat or untidy a mother is, in the eyes of a two year old, mommy is so cool and the loveliest person he/she wants to be with. It is such a fantastic feeling to be adored and appreciated so unconditionally by someone you love! This is one of the joy and satisfaction of being parenthood. All tiredness melts away, when I receive such rewards.

It makes me reflect, for I do not deserve such adoration, such a sinner as I am and so full of ugliness... frequently complaining, calculative, competitive, impatient, unforgiving... etc... etc... instead of being kind, compassionate, full of grace, always thinking good of people, patient, never gossip, never talk bad about people... oh... It spurs me on to try again to be a good person, to be the best person I could with God's help, so that J can always be proud of me and so that I really deserve his praise, when he says again, "My mother". But I know there is a long way to go, and along the way, I will fall again... before I am made perfect.

It reminds me of God who created us and calls us his children. How God longs to have our adoration and worship, just like how I am so happy for J's adoration. Very often, we humans don't acknowledge God. If we do, we are ashamed of God, and ashamed to telling people that we believe in God, because it is so "uncool". God must be very hurt. This should not be.

But I know this will not last for long... I know it will come a time when it will be "uncool" for J to proclaim to all his friends, "My mother". Maybe when he becomes a teenager, or even sooner. For now, I better cherish it, while it lasts... and bath in blissfully each time he proclaims loudly, "My mother" :-)

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