Thursday, 17 March 2011


Montessori Activity: Sewing using Homemade Card/Syning/缝纫 [féng rèn]

Age: From 2 years old

Activity Duration: 10-15 minutes

Preparation Time: 5 minutes

Objective(s): To train the child’s fine motor skills


1. 1 card with punched holes *
2. 1 colorful shoelace approx. 130cm long
3. 1 tray

* Montessori materials are expensive if you want to buy it, but many can be made easily yourself much cheaply. See below how to do it yourself. It is very easy.


1. Show your child by tying a knot in the shoelace.

2. Show your child by picking up the shoelace with one hand and begin the sewing action. Start with the shoelace above the card and go under. Then bring the shoelace back up through the next hole.

3. Go about halfway and encourage your child to complete it.

4. Remove the shoelace and repeat the activity if your child is interested.

Special Warning:

Supervise closely with shoe lace. Remove and store away immediately after activity.


Total Cost: 45 DKK (10.80 SGD)
Shoe lace: 35 DKK (8.40 SGD) from Lyngby shoe repair shop
Lamination: 10 DKK (2.40 SGD) from Lyngby station photo development shop

How to Make Sewing Card Yourself?

1. Find a picture that you like from the internet.
2. Print it, cut the picture out and laminate it.
3. Punch holes along the sides of it with paper hole puncher, leaving approx. 1 inch gap between each hole.

Additional Information:

I don’t think J is old enough to try this yet, but I am going to test it anyway. I have made the sewing card, so that I have it ready when J is ready :-) I am really pleased with myself for making this card, after being inspired from other moms (unfortunately I can’t remember the website). It is getting more and more fun with making Montessori activity for J. It doesn't take long to make one such card, and one is sufficient. It took about 5 minutes. Try it :-)

Updated 25.4.2011 (2Y1M20D) - J tried with the sewing card today and succeeded, yeh!!!. It is challenging enough and yet at the right level enough.

If you don't have the time to make your own, you can also buy something similar from Amazon:

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