Sunday, 7 September 2014


Montessori Activity: Static Subtraction with Golden Beads - Ten Place Value (减法[jiǎn fǎ])

AGE: From 5.5 years old


To teach counting and subtraction of the ten place value in a concrete manner seeing the minuend and then taking away the subtrahend:

- Minuend (被减数 [bèi jiǎn shù]): the first number in a subtraction
- Subtrahend (减数 [jiǎn shù]): the second number in a subtraction (the number to be subtracted)
- Difference (剩[Shèng])


1. 9 golden beads
2. 9 ten-bars
3. 1 static subtraction worksheet
4. 3 felt pieces
5. 1 pencil and eraser


1. Arrange the work as shown above.

2. Say, "Today we are going to learn how to take away numbers."

3. Read the problem to your child, e.g. 33-21=?

4. Point to the unit place value listed in the minuend on the worksheet and ask, "How many units are there?" Your child should answer 3.

5. Take this amount of golden beads and place them on the felt piece to the right of the worksheet.

6. Next point to the ten place value of the minuend and ask, "How many tens are there?" Your child should answer 3 tens. If not, count it together with your child. 

7. Point to the unit value of the subtrahend and ask, "How many units are there?" Your child should answer 1. Remove the 1 unit bead further down on the felt piece on the right.

8. Point to the ten value of the subtrahend and ask, "How many tens are there?" Your child should answer 2 tens and remove them further down the felt piece on the right.

9. Count the remaining beads on the top of the right felt piece, write the answer in the worksheet and read it out, for e.g. 33-21=12

10. Repeat this process with other subtraction problems.

Note: Make sure that the worksheet you use contains only static subtraction, i.e. does not contain 3 minus 4, etc. as otherwise the beads would not work.


1. Try with vertical presentation of the equation.



Brilliant Mind Montessori

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