Monday, 22 September 2014


Reflection: Life

One man spent his life trying to find out if there is a God. His name is Anthoy Flew, a Oxford professor and one of the world's most renowned atheist in modern times. His achievements are astonishing. He wrote books faster than others who wrote essays.

Another man (a woman) knew God and spent her life serving God. Her name is Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, commonly known as Mother Teresa. Her achievements are equally great. She is the CEO of approx. 140 charity organizations.

I have respect for both lives, but it made me ponder... there are largely three main groups of people in this world: some people do not search for God in their whole life at all, some people spent their whole life searching for God (like Anthony Flew) and some people (like Mother Teresa) having settled the question of God's existence by faith early in life, spent the large part of their life walking with God, and what they achieved and the insight they gained in God are amazing.

If I have a choice, by the grace of God, I would like to be in the third group. I would like to have settled on the existence of God early in life so that I can put my energy into living my faith purposefully and fruitfully.

Reading this two books made me realize more that some things are cannot be understood with our the mind alone, and it may delude even the best brains in the world. But to be able to understand with your heart and make your life count is a privilege for the few.

May I have the faith to find, know and understand God with both my mind and my heart, that I may use my energy to love and serve Him.

The Bible says:

‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ Jeremiah 33:3

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