Age: From 2 years old
Activity Duration: 10-15 minutes
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
1. To train the child’s fine motor skills
2. To train number recognition
1. 1 big bowl of 4 sets of numbers 1-4 number magnets
2. 4 small rice bowls of same colour *
3. 1 tray
* It is important that the colour of the 4 small bowls are the same, so as not to confuse the child that it is number sorting and not colour sorting.
1. Demonstrate to your child by sorting one set of the number 1-4 into each of the small bowls first.
2. As you go along, recite the name of the number.
3. Encourage your child to try to sort the other 3 sets of the number 1-4 by putting each of numbersinto the correct bowl allocated for that particular number.
4. Pour back all the numbers into the bid bowl and repeat.
Additional Information:
J (24M7D) tried it today. At first, I made the mistakes of using colourful bowls and he got confused. But I changed it to all white rice bowls and he got it right immediately. He really enjoyed it and wanted to play more, but we have to leave for music class. J now recognizes the shape of each number from 1-4, can count from 1-3 rather well and starting to count the 4th item.
Keep it simple and don't overwhelm the child. Try 1-3 for younger toddler or 1-5 for older toddler.
This is a fantastic book providing hands-on guide on Montessori activities that is practical, simple and easy to follow. The book also provides lots of ideas on using simple equipment that you can find at home. I found this idea in this book:
You can also buy the number magnets from Amazon:
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