Saturday, 26 March 2011


Montessori Activity: Stringing Straws/Snor Sugerør/穿吸管 [chuān xī guǎn]

Age: From 2 years old

Activity Duration: 10-15 minutes

Preparation Time: 5 minutes

1. To train the child’s fine motor skills.
2. To train the child's eye-hand coordination.

1. 1 drinking straw cut into 5 equal pieces to make "draw beads"
2. 1 pipe cleaner
3. 1 tray

1. Show your child by tying a knot in the pipe cleaner

2. Show your child by picking up the pipe cleaner with one hand and begin stringing it through the each piece of straw.
3. Go about halfway and encourage your child to complete it.

4. Remove the straw beads and repeat the activity if your child is interested.

Cost: Pipe cleaners: 20 DKK (4.80 SGD) from the hobby set in Tiger

Additional Information:
J (2Y21D) tried this activity for the first time today. He managed to string the pipe cleaner through the straw, but quickly lose interest to continue.... :-( Will try again tomorrow during potty time so that he can concentrate better, before deciding whether to put this activity away for some time before re-introducing it.

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