Tuesday, 10 April 2012


Montessori Activity: Teaching Rhyme Recognition with Rhyming Poems (4A)

Lesson Plan from the book "Phonemic Awareness in Young Children" by Marilyn Jager Adams et al

Age: From 2.5 years old

1. To teach your child to use meaning and meter to notice and predict rhyming words.
2. To stimulate the development of phonemic awareness in your child.

1. Rhyming books, poems, songs or jiggles. This book "Phonemic Awareness in Young Children" has a fantastic appendix, Appendix G, that provides a number of recommended poems, fingerplay and jingles.

1. Read or recite the poem for your child, emphasizing its rhythm and exaggerating its rhymes.

2. Re-read line by line slowly and deliberately and invite your child to repeat each line with you in unison.

3. Introduce your child only to 1 or 2 rhymes that he can learn well.

4. Add more rhymes in time.

1. Recite the poem in whispers, but say the rhyming words aloud.
2. Recite the poem in very loud voices, but whisper the rhyming words.
3. Recite the poem in crescendoing voices, getting louder and louder as you go.
4. Recite the poem in decrescendoing voices, getting softer and softer as you go.
5. Seat the children in a cirlce and ask them to recite successive lines of the poem, one at a time, in turn.
6. Seat the children in a cirlce and ask them to recite successive words of the poem, one at a time, in turn.

Additional Information:
I am doing this with the Tang dynasty poems in Chinese, when Joshua was younger, and then I discovered this book. It is reassuring to see that what I am doing by instinct is actually recommended by the experts. This book also helps me to puts into words, what I am doing in Chinese with Joshua with Tang dynasty poems. I have since then slackened, and diverted my attention to Montessori Practical Life activities, because Joshua did not show much interest in nursery rhymes. That curriculum was completed after one year, and now Joshua has recently turned 3 years old, and has developed a love for rhyme stories. Everything has its timing! I will now make more conscious effort to get back to nusery rhymes and rhyme bible, in line with Joshua's interests.

I highly recommend this book "Phonemic Awareness in Young Children" by Marilyn Jager Adams et al and The Rhyme Bible from Amazon:

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