Sunday, 19 August 2012


My First Calendar

Age: From 3 years old

1. To provide a fun and kinestic way to teach day, date, month, weather and season.

1. My First Calendar (either make or buy)

1. Introduce this using Montessori 3 period lesson: Read the day to your child first. Show him how you can change the day to today's day and date, e.g. Monday by taking the magnet piece for Monday and placing it on the space provided for "Day".

2. Ask your child, "Can you stick Monday onto its place on the calendar?"

3. After he has placed Monday on the calendar, point to the label and ask, "Can you tell me what day this is?"

4. Invite him to look out of the window and label the weather into the calendar by choosing the most appropriate weather magnet.

Additional Information:
Joshua has started being aware of day, weather and time and is beginning to show interest in this area. At his kindergarten, they have such a calendar, and the children take turns everyday to change the date, weather, etc. Going along with the theme, I bought this version in English. I made my own Chinese labels.

Joshua (3Y5M14D) tried it for the first time today. He looked out of the window and saw that the trees were swaying and it was windy. He looked for the windy picture magnet, but there isn't any. Thus, I have also made a windy picture magnet.

You can also make your own pictures, laminate it and use blue tack to stick it onto a board. However, since I am a working mom, and not so blessed artistically, I decided to save time and the agony of making it by buying one from Amazon.

I bought the magnetic strips in Singapore, but I couldn't find it in Amazon.

The First Calendar is available at Amazon:

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