Saturday, 26 January 2013


J Summary (3Y10M21D) - Initiative

J finished the workbook on tracing the small letters that we started during our vacation in Singapore. I was thinking of finding him another workbook, but haven't found the time.(Even though we were on vacation, we did not slacken in the training in discipline and self-control. Otherwise, all the efforts we put in during the year would have gone down the drain. How many a times, all the good habits are broken during vacation. I am sure many parents have experienced that. It is an up-hill task, when school re-opens. Although J is not in school yet, it is my aim that a certain level of standard is maintained even when we are on vacation. It started with our Interlaken trip in July 2011. The momentem was set and now for each vacation and the recent one in Singapore, it was just part of life with homework. Each morning, he was responsible for completing tracing a letter, before we set off for any activity, sight-seeing, swimming, etc. He done 20 letters during our trip and completed the remaining 6 letters when we were back in Denmark.)

This morning, as I was about to take my morning shower, I noticed that J was looking through the workbook shelf. He showed me that he has found the new workbook on tracing big letters, and said, "Mommy, this workbook is a good continuation to the one we finished." Oh, how he could read my mind!

Delighted, I encouraged him to trace letter A, while waiting for me to finish my shower. When I was done with my shower, he has completed tracing his capital A.

It was a sweet start to the day. (Note: It is not always like that. The next day, I had to nudge him along to trace nicely the capital letter B.)

As I looked back for the past 3 years - the crucial first 3 years of foundation for a child that will set in motion a life of habit, we are reaping the benefits of the efforts and hardwork we have sown from day 1 since he was a baby.

J watched videos in moderation and will not protest when it is time to stop (except when we are on the plane).

J does not play any computer game and is not addicted to iPAd. Although we recently bought one for the family, and he would like to use it, he does not demand for it. We don't have to take a battle on that and it allows our Montessori curriculum that uses tangible material to go on.

J is not so fond of Montessori Number Rods, but he is willing to work with it and making efforts at it.

I believe this is because I had never use TV, iPad or any like as convenience baby-sitters. Both Daddy and I also set a good example by not watching much TV.

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