Updates on 26 Nov. 2013
We try to stick to practising the piano every day. Five minutes each time is our goal. It is hard work. It requires discipline. At times, J wants to give up. Yesterday, he succeeded playing half the piece simultaneously coordinating it with two hands.
This morning, he succeeded playing the whole piece simultaneously coordinating with two hands.
Then he turned to me and said, "Mommy, thank you for practising piano with me, for going to Chinese class with me, for doing Montessori with me, for bringing me for swimming, for making time so that Daddy can bring me to football. You are the best mom I have." Tears almost roll down my face... I put his hand to my heart and said, "Thank you."
But I was taking it with a pinch of salt... I could not quite believe what he said, as at times he complains about playing piano, etc., at times he is not very self-motivated, so how could he thank me for it? So I asked him again to confirm, "You mean I am the best mom, because I take you to piano lesson and Chinese lesson? He said, "Yes." And he want to continue piano, Chinese and football...
I want to remember today...
This was followed by kissess and hugs and kisses and hugs from him, and I want to remember the look in his eyes as he kissed and hugged me and said those words. He followed me around the kitchen and hugged me from behind. He followed me around the washroom and hugged me from behind.
Up in the washroom, I still didn't quite believe that he would thank me for bringing him for piano class, so I asked him again, "Why do you call me the best mom?" And he repeated the same words with kisses and hugs.
At times, I doubt if we should continue piano, Chinese, football, etc. J would complain that I talk too much. J would tell me not to correct him. Should we persevere on? Should we give up? Should we spend time doing all these with our kids? At times, I am confused.
But today I am reminded that if we persevere on until our kids make progress, they may turn around and thank us for supporting them through their tough learning period, until they make headway bit-by-bit.
Thank you God for clearing my doubts and answering my prayers, each time I am uncertain about what to do, each time as I try to figure out the daily challenges. In Your time, You answered me....
On days when I feel like a Dr. jekyll and Mr. hyde, swaying to-&-fro about my decision in going part-time, I will remember J's words...
Thank you God.
Below are memories of J's performance:
Suzuki concert 21 October 2014 (5Y7M16D)
19 June 2014 (5Y3M14D)
Suzuki concert 29 May 2014 (5Y2M24D):
Concert 23 May 2014 (5Y2M18D):
Suzuki concert 29 April 2014 (5Y1M24D)
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