Tuesday 13 January 2015


Danish Rye Bread Chips


1. Rye bread
2. Olive oil
3. Salt


1. Pre-heat oven to 180 degree celsius.
2. Slice your rye bread into very thin slices about 4mm thick.
3. Brush with olive oil. Not too much olive oil, just a like touch and layer. Too much oil will not taste good.
4. Sprinkle lightly with salt.
5. Bake for 10-15 minutes at 175 degree celsius (or 200 degree celsius for 10-12 minutes)

If you want it faster, bake it at 250 degree celsius for 1-2 minutes, but I won't recommend it, if this is the first time you try it.

Additional Information:

Our Little FECS loves the rye bread chips. It is like eating potato chips to him, but much healthier, especially if you make it yourself. I have tried making it before, but not successful. I realized that it was because I added too much oil to the bread. The teachers at his kindergarten bake it often as a snack for the children. So today, he asked his teacher for the recipe, so that his mom can learn it. We tried it this evening, and it turned out fine and wonderful this time around :-)

20 April 2020:

We have tried to make this chips with thickness 5.5 mm - quite thick and it turned out fine :-)



13 Jan 2015 (5Y10M8D)

7 September 2016 (7Y6M2D): Danish rye chips made by Joshie. He learned to make them when he was near to 6 years old. At 7 years old, he has mastered it. I gave him a bowl of oil, a brush and the salt shaker. He cut the rye bread into bite-size pieces himself, brush oil and sprinkle salt on them. I helped to put it in and out of the oven and I helped to eat it :-) 

20 April 2020 (11Y1M15D)

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