Wednesday 7 June 2017


Oven-Baked Cream Potatoes (Flødekartofler)

Serves 4


1. 1kg potatoes peeled and sliced thin
2. 2 onions sliced long
3. 4 garlic pressed
4. 500ml cream (piskefløde) or for a lower fat version: 250ml cream (piskefløde) + 100ml fresh milk
5. 1 egg
6. 50 - 100g parmesan cheese
7. A pinch of nutmeg grated (optional)
8. Salt & pepper to taste


1. Pre-heat oven to 200 degree celsius.
2. In a bowl, add cream, milk, minced garlic, egg, parmesan cheese, salt and pepper and mix well.
3. Add potatoes, onion and cream mixture in an oven-proof dish and mix well.
4. Bake for an hour or until potatoes are cooked and the surface look golden brown.

Additional Information:

J requested for this Danish dish and I made it for the first time today. It tasted like the good old cream potatoes :-) Sorry no picture to show :-( With an impatient baby on the side, we were too distracted and hungry to take a picture. I adapted from the recipe here.


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