Saturday, 1 October 2011


Montessori Activity: Cutting Button Mushrooms with Butter Knife/Skære Champignon/切蘑菇

Age: From 2.5 years old

Activity Duration: 5 minutes


1. To train the child’s fine motor skills
2. To encourage good eating habits.


1. 1 bowl of button mushrooms
2. 1 empty bowl
3. 1 butter knife
4. 1 chopping board


1. Demonstrate to your child by cutting the mushrooms slice-by-slice.

2. Then assist your child to hold the knife correctly.

3. Encourage your child to try.

Video Demonstration:

Additional Information:

J had mushroom pizza for dinner yesterday. Today, we went to the supermarket. J saw a packet of very fresh white button mushrooms and wanted it. I requested  him to put it back, as he has never liked button mushrooms. I took the oyster mushrooms that he usually likes instead. However, he wanted to put back the oyster mushrooms instead.

J brought home the white button mushrooms, and an idea came to my mind that hey, the texture, softness and firmness make these mushroom a very suitable item for practicing cutting with knife. So even if J didn't eat it, at least it would have served some purpose, for the money I paid.

J (2Y6M26D) helped me to prepare the lunch by cutting the mushrooms, and he did it very well, although of course, at this age, the size of the cut was not consistent. But he managed to cut all the 3 mushrooms I gave to him rather well.

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