Saturday, 3 September 2011


J Summary (2Y5M29D): Loves Thomas the Train Books

J loves Thomas the Train books now. I don't know how much he understood, since it was in English, but he was really interested in it. Today, he walked around with two of the Thomas-the-train books, but unfortunately I didn't have time to repeat it. But I have read one of the books to him yesterday's morning.

J loves sushi now. He also started to eat pears and apples again. Yesterday, he asked for a pear from his snack bar, although he didn't finish it. Today, he asked for an apple. I hope he will ask me for avocado one day, going back to his baby days... when he loved avocado.

At 2.5 years old, J really loves books. I don't have to offer him books. He will pick them and come to me and ask me to read to him. I sometimes do feel guilty, as I don't have so much time to read to him, being a working mom. When he comes to me with books, how I do wish I am a stay-at-home mom, and just put down all and just sit with him. I cherish all these moments, and hold it close to my heart, and hope that it will last.

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