Thursday, 29 September 2011


J Summary (2Y6M24D) - Said "Mor, jeg savner dig"

J was calling for me in the wee hours of the morning. I had a hard time getting out of bed. Then I heard him saying, "Mor, jeg savner dig", meaning "Mommy, I miss you." Immediately, I found the energy to get out of bed to hug him. I asked him if he missed Mommy in Mandarin. He said yes.

The next thing I did was to teach him to say it in Mandarin. Usually, when he speaks Danish, I will pretend not to understand. So, I made an exception here, but I have to teach him how to say that in Mandarin :-)

I asked Daddy if he taught J to say that. Daddy told me that it was some days ago. J's Danish is developing very fast. He is not lacking behind Danish kids, at least according to the teacher. Now, I worry for his Mandarin.... ya... i am a worrier right :-)

J can count up to 10 objects, and seemed to be able to count up to 12 objects, but didn't know how to say eleven and twelve yet.

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