Saturday, 10 September 2011


Montessori Activity: Stringing Small Beads/Snor Perler/穿珠子[chuān zhū zi]

Age: From 2.5 years

Activity Duration: 10-15 minutes

Preparation Time: 5 minutes

Objective(s): To train the child’s fine motor skills


1. 1 handful of small beads
2. 1 thin nylon string or fish line
3. 1 tray


1. Tie a knot in the string with a last bead.
2. Show your child by picking up the string with right hand and moving the bead from left to right.
3. Encourage your child to try.
4. Remove the beads and repeat the activity if your child is interested.

Special Warning:

Supervise closely with the string. Remove and store away immediately after activity.


2 packet of small beads: 10 DKK (2.50 SGD) from Tiger
2 rolls of nylon: 10 DKK (2.50 SGD) from Søstrene Grene

Additional Information:

J (2Y6M2D) tried this today. He practiced for 3 minutes and then got tired of it. I think a girl would enjoy stringing beads more, but because this is so good for fine motor skills training, I have introduced this activity to J. This is not an activity that I will introduce so often as the fineness of it (thin thread etc.) can be rather demanding on eye-sight.

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