Friday, 2 September 2011


Montessori Activity: Styrofoam-based Fruit & Vegetable Theme Sensory Box/发泡胶触觉箱

Age: From 1.5 year old

Activity Duration: 5 minutes

Preparation Time: 3 minutes


1. 10 letters
2. 10 plastic fruits
3. Styrofoam balls
4. Transparent tub


1. Mix them all together and provide ladle and spade for your child to dig and play.

2. Show your child how to match the letter with the fruit, e.g. w is for water-melon.


Not for babies who are still mouthing. Supervise closely.

Additional Information:

The package I bought from Amazon came with many styrofoam balls. Thus, I have decided to recycle them and use them as the base for September sensory tub.

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