Sunday, 25 November 2012


Apple "Ice-cream" for Toddlers and Preschoolers

1. 1/2 apple cut into bite size, put in ice-cube tray and freeze
Additional Information:
Well, this is actually frozen apple, but it tastes a little like ice-cream, is healthy and fun to eat. It is surprising sweet, even though it is frozen. This serves as another way to serve the good old apple and Joshua loves it. And I can hold off real ice-cream longer :-)
I turn it into a Science lesson and ask him what he thinks apple tastes like when frozen? We cut the apple together, he tried it. We then freeze it and he took it out to look at it, compare the texture, the temperature and taste. So that was quite educational, simply with apples :-)
I am guessing that not all preschoolers would like this, especially for those who have been given ice-cream as a regular fare. But if you are like me, who is going for simple and healthy food for your child, then this might be for you and your child.


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