Saturday, 3 December 2016


My day now...

At baby-swimming two days ago, a fellow mom said, "Oh your baby has strunk in size." Wow, even she could see it! And she is totally right, C hasn't been growing much... Doctor has set me another appointment to see her regarding C's weight, or rather weight loss... so now I am paying more attention to her diet - increasing solids from 1 time a day to 4 times a day. So far, it is improving...

But this means this is how my day looks like now:

Wake up, cook, feed, nurse, walk her to sleep, clean up... cook, feed, nurse, walk her to sleep, clean up... cook, feed, nurse, walk her to sleep... cook, feed, nurse, walk her to sleep, clean up... cook, feed, walk her to sleep... in between feeding, I feed myself, then I collapse in bed... and it is the next morning... And Joshua? He has grown so much... so mature now... he is managing himself...

But I am not complaining... cos' in war-time and in death, there is no opportunity to do such simple things... poignantly and sadly, my granny has just passed away today. My granny could no longer cook for me. She could also no longer eat. And the Syrians in war-torn Syria do not have the chance to cook and take proper care of their babies :-( I am really so fortunate. I am grateful to have the health to do all these now. I am glad that I am still able to cook for Chastine.

Here is cheers to a brand new day... another day of cooking and washing up... oh what simple joys of life :-) And I am enjoying every minute of it... :-)

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