Saturday, 25 August 2018


Chinese Chili Bean Paste Kale & Beef

Serves 4


1. 400g beef cut into slices
2. 3 stalks of kale de-stemmed
3. 2 stalks of spring onions chopped
4. 2 cloves garlic chopped
5. 1 TBS of ginger sliced
6. 1 TBS cooking oil
7. 1 TBS chili bean paste (See picture below)
8. 1 tsp soy sauce
9.  1 tsp of corn starch
10. Salt & pepper to taste
11. 1 litre water (for cooking kale)


1. Marinade beef with corn starch, soy sauce, salt and pepper.
2. Bring to boil a pot of water.
3. Add Kale, reduce heat and cook for 5 mins or until Kale is cooked. Add salt to taste.
4. Drain and transfer Kale to a serving dish. Save the water.
5. Heat 1 TBS cooking oil on wok on high.
5. Fry garlic, spring onions and ginger until golden.
6. Add beef and fry until cooked.
7. Add 1 TBS of chili bean paste and mix well. Add salt and pepper to taste.
8. Add a bit of water saved from cooking Kale, stir and mix well.
9. Pour the beef and gravy on top of the Kale in the serving dish.
10. Serve with rice :-)

Additional Information:

I learned this dish at a friend's place, who was serving it today. Our Little FECS loved it.

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