Monday, 20 October 2014


Super Easy & Delicious Danish Flourless Bread (Stenalder brød)

Makes 1 loaf

1. 500 g mixed nuts and seeds (20% sunflowers seeds, 20% flax seeds, 20% pumpkin seeds, 20% sesame seeds, 10% whole almonds and 10% whole hazelnuts)
2. 5 eggs
3. 100 ml olive oil
4. 2 tsp salt

1. Pre-heat oven to 160 degree celsius
2. Beat eggs and mix them with the rest of the ingredients.
3. Pour into bread form and bake for 1 hour.
4. Let it cool down first, before slicing it.

Serving Suggestions:
1. Cut into cubes and serve as "crontons" for pumpkin soup

Additional Information:
Also known as "stoneage bread," this is one of my significant's favorite "bread." We first tried it from Lagekagehuset. It is called Paleo or something, if I remember correctly. I got to know this recipe from my coming sister-in-law, who got it from Fakta supermarket.

For convenience, the nuts and seeds blending can be purchased from Fakta for 29 DKK. Thereafter just add the eggs and the olive oil and dump it in the oven. It is really easy.

I found something similar here, but more complicated.:

Nuts and Seeds blending from Fakta - 29 DKK

5 eggs, 500g nuts and seeds and 100ml olive oil

5 eggs

2 flatten tsp salt

100ml olive oil

Beat eggs

Add eggs, olive oil, salt to seeds and nuts

Transfer to a bread form

Bake for 1 hr at 160 degree celsius

Let it cool down before slicing
Seves as crotons for pumpkin soup - healthier than crotons :-)

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