Monday 2 May 2016


J Summary (7Y2M28D): Selected for the National Suzuki Piano Workshop

We went for the piano lesson today. The teacher asked if we will be interested to go for the National Suziki Piano Workshop. It is basically a 4D3N Piano camp, where teachers and students are gathered from UK, Denmark, Poland, etc. in Denmark, where the kids will have intensive lessons. In between lessons, they have recreation with table-tennis, football and cakes. It is for kids 7-15 years old.

The teacher told us that she only has 3 places, and that she has selected her three best and most hardworking students. It will be Aksel, Ida and J. It is a way to encourage J.

I am so glad that I have been practising with J for the last 2 years, and that my choice of going part-time has paid off. This is one of the best news we have heard. I shared it with Daddy FECS.

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