Saturday, 7 May 2016


Apple, Beetroot, Spinach & Kale Juice

Serves 4 glasses (2 litres)


1. 2 large beetroot
2. 4 apples peeled and cut
3. 4 oranges peeled and cut
4. 4 pears cut
5. 4 kiwi peeled and cut
6. 200g spinach
7. 200g kale


Just juice them in a juicer, pour into glass and serve :-)

Additional Information:

My mum is here to visit us and stay with us for 3 months :-) So I have fulfilled my dream of juicing for my mum today using our favorite Hurom juicer :-) My mum said pa didn't get to try it. He couldn't chew much then, so this will be very good - a vitamin bomb that he could chew. Whey didn't I thought of it them... A few years ago, we had our old Phillips juicer, that was not efficient at all - using lots of fruits and only produced a little juice. It had stayed as a white elephant in our cabinet for years. Sigh... if only I have gotten to know Hurom juicer earlier and we have managed to do that for him...

I got the glasses from HW Hjørnet for 10 DKK each.

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