Saturday, 19 January 2019


Triple Green Smoothie


1. 1 cup (250 ml) fresh skimmed milk
2. 1 tsp flax seeds
3. 1 cup (30 g) baby spinach
4. 1 cup (30 g) kale
5. 1/2 cup (15 g) parsley
6. 1 tsp ginger finely cut
7. 1 orange without skin and cut into smaller chunks
8. 1 banana
9. 1 apple cored and cut into smaller chunks


Add all ingredients in the order listed above into a blender and blend until smooth.

Total Calories: 493 kcal

Additional Information:

This smoothie contains three greens, namely spinach, kale and parsley. Thus, I name it Triple Green Smoothie.

Although spinach and Kale are both super greens, they complement each other with a different strong concentration of vitamins and minerals. I have done a comparison below based on 100g raw vegetables. Click to enlarge picture:

Therefore, it is good to have a bit of both in your green smoothie. Spinach is very mild, thus, most people are able to accept spinach in their smoothie. Actually, I don't notice or taste much of the kale in my smoothie. Perhaps, I am so used to green smoothie already. If you are new to having vegetables in your smoothie, you can start by adding only spinach. Once you can accept it, move on to adding kale. You will realize that you won't notice any difference. The sweetness from the apple and orange will cover up any vegetable taste :-)

But if you absolutely have to pick one, then choose spinach. They have the most number of vitamins and minerals, and are more readiness available than kale, if not even cheaper too.

And Parsley is a super herb too. Below is the nutritional information of the triple greens. Click to enlarge picture:

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