Sunday, 27 May 2012


Nursery Lesson Plan: Kindness - 24th June 2012

Lesson Plan

FIBC Nursery (0-4 years old)

Date: 24th June 2012, Time: 1 – 2.15pm

Concept Area: Family – God wants family members to be kind to one another

Bible Verse: Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind to one another.”

Teachers: Elaine, Chen Ying, Stephen and Frieda Nielsen

12.50 – 1pm: Preparation Time

·         Teachers to arrive 10 minutes earlier to prepare and set up the room.

·         Bring a jug of water.

·         Mark Attendance.

·         Fill in Food Allergy Alert Chart for new children.

1-1.30pm: Early Arrival Activity Time

Activity Station 1: Spell Kindness with Fridge Magnets (for children from 2 - 4 years old)

Activity Station 2: Kitchen Play

Activity Station 3: Helping the Hurting together with pictures of Kindness Colouring Pages

(For the children to bring home to do during the week to reinforce the learning on kindness)

1.30 – 1.40pm: Bible Lesson & Story Time

Gather the children to sit around in a circle.

Bible Lesson to be Incorporated into the Activities and Bible Verse: Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind to one another.”

The Bible teaches us to be kind to one another. (Hold up the Bible, open it and read Ephesians 4:32 – Be kind to one another.)

Do you know what kindness is?

Definition: Kindness is an attitude that shows a true spirit of helpfulness toward people, just as God is helpful to us.

Kindness means thinking of others first – their needs and wants before your own.

God might help us to be kind to someone who really needs it and we're not even aware of it. For example, maybe you feel like you should write a letter or call a grandparent. God might be urging you to do that because they are having a bad day and that's exactly what they need to cheer them up. Sometimes your kind deed to someone else is all they need to remember that someone special loves them.

How do you show kindness? How do you help others? Can you tell me 3 ways to show kindness?

1.     We can show kindness by serving others.

2.     We can show kindness by helping at home such as helping mommy to care for newly arrived baby, baking, cleaning, cooking, etc.

3.     We can show kindness by taking care of a younger sibling while mommy is cooking, helping with household chores such as doing laundry, baking and walking the dog together.

4.     Visiting or writing a card to grandparents who may be lonely.

5.     Write a card to someone who is sick.

6.     Help the hurting.

7.     Pray for someone if you feel helpless to assist.

It should be easy to be kind although sometimes it's not. Is it easy to be kind to someone who has been mean to? How tempting is it to want to hurt others when they hurt us? Do you think kindness can be the answer to someone who hurts you? For example, someone who doesn’t want to be your friend, or someone who doesn’t want to share his toys with you. Why and why not?

The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:15 “Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else.”

When someone hurts us, we usually react back right away. God wants us to respond back with kindness. God wants us to overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21). Striking back or hurting others will not bring people to Jesus Christ. We want others to come to Jesus and be filled with His love.

When we are hurt by others and need encouragement, we can seek help. God sends moms and dads, friends and neighbours, teachers and pastors to encourage us. In their wisdom, they can help us sort out the trouble without taking revenge.

We can learn from Jesus. As sinners, we have offended God. Although God has every right to be angry with us, he showed how great His kindness instead by sending Jesus to die on the cross to save us. In God’s kindness, He offers everyone here complete forgiveness.

Let’s show the kindness to others that God has shown to us! This is possible only if we remain in Him, if we get to know Him more and more through praying, learning His Word, and following Him. We look to Jesus to help us.

Distribute the foil mirrors that you have prepared before class. Tell the children to mark a bold cross in the centre and say, “Let the cross always remind you that Jesus’ death on the cross paid the price for all sin, including our desire to “get even” with others. Instead, let’s reflect God’s forgiven love.”

Can you do 3 acts of kindness this week and tell your teacher at the nursery class next Sunday, what 3 acts of kindness you have done?

Close with prayer. Remember the specific situations your children are going through. Invite them to share their needs and praises. Praise God for the fruit of the Holy Spirit, the kindness we are able to have because He lives within us.

Special Delivery from Guest Speaker Frieda Nielsen

Photo of 2 siblings not getting along and 2 siblings getting along very well.

Sharing of some personal experiences.

1.40 – 1.50pm: Singing

Use musical instruments, hand motions and songs as follows:

·         Clapping Hands

·         These Are Helping Hands

·         Beloved Let Us Love One Another

1.50 – 2pm: Snack Time

·         Ask the children to queue up.

·         Ask the older children to be kind and give out the cups, plates and rice snack.

·         Sing the “Say Grace Song

·         Ask each child to recite: “The Bible is right and true.” Psalm 33:4

·         As the children to help to clean up before moving to game time.

2 – 2.10pm: Game Time (if there is time)

Physical Game: Be Warm & Kind to One Another

Contingency Activity: Kindness Colouring Pages

2.10 – 2.20pm: Clean up Time

·         Clean up together and sing the song “Time to Clean Up

2.15pm: Parents pick up kids

Resources & References:

- More Toddlerific by David Cook

- Ifs, Ands, & Buts Children’s Sermons by Becker/Miller


Activity Description

Activity Station 1: Spell Kindness with Fridge Magnets (for children from 2 - 4 years old)


1. 8 letter magnets with one letter written on each: K, I, N, D, N, E, S, S

2. Whiteboard

3. Whiteboard marker


1. Write Ephesians 4:32 on the whiteboard.

2. Use one set of letter fridge magnets to spell KINDNESS on the whiteboard.

3. Hide another set of each letter of KINDNESS in an envelope around the room.

4. After the children arrive, explain to them that there are eight letters hidden around the room that spell the fruit of the Spirit you will be learning about today.

5. After they find all of the letters, ask them to say its name and pronounce its sound.

5. Ask them to one-by-one spell the kindness by placing the respective letter underneath the KINDNESS magnetic word already placed on the white board.

ASK: Can anyone tell me what the word is? (Allow them to respond.) Then ask what kindness is?

SAY: Kindness can be shown with our thoughts, our actions, and our words. How many of you are kind all of the time? (Allow time for response.) None of us are kind all of the time! It is very easy to be unkind to our family and our friends because we are sinners. How can we discover more about kindness? (By reading God’s Word!) Let’s go to His Word now! (Open the Bible and Read Ephesians 4:32)

Activity Station 2: Kitchen Play

Children could play and learn at the same time while teachers guided them in their learning of how they can be helpful at home, such as baking and cooking with parents and siblings.


1. Serving trays

2. Plastic plates

3. Kitchen play set

4. Teddy bear or dolls


1. Show the children the serving trays.

2. Explain that these are serving trays.

3. Let the children know that they can use the trays to help serve each other.

4. When they serve the teddy bears and dolls, have them say, “God wants us to be kind to one another.” and have them say, “Thank you,” when they have been served.

SAY: Serving is one way to be kind to one another.

Activity Station 3: Helping the Hurting together with Kindness Colouring Pages


1. Pictures of someone who is hurt and someone helping her with bandages

2. Cloth

3. Adhesive bandages

4. Teddy bears or dolls


1. Show the items to the children and the picture.

2. Tell them people who are hurting need our love and kindness.

3. Tell them that Jesus wants us to be kind to the hurting and help them.

4. Give the children time to play with the items.

5. Encourage the children to act out the scene depicted in the picture with the dolls and bandage supplies.

6. As they play, talk about ways they can show kindness to others.

7. Have them practice what they might say or do with the stuffed animals or dolls.

SAY: As God produces kindness in our hearts, we begin to see other people as more important than ourselves. Remember Jesus, who died on the cross for our sins to save us. We are to emulate Him. When we are struggling to be kind to another person, we should remember God’s great kindness toward us. As sinners, we have offended God. Although God has every right to be angry with us, he showed how great His kindness instead by sending Jesus to die on the cross to save us. In God’s kindness, He offers everyone here complete forgiveness.

Physical Game: Be Warm & Kind to One Another

Children can practice the skill of showing others warm and kindness and at the same time be physically active.


Masking Tape


1. Use the tape to mark a circle on the floor approx. 1.8m in diameter.

2. Gather the children together and invite them to stand outside the circle and walk around it saying the rhyme:

I can show someone I love them by being warm and kind.

I can show someone I love them, they won’t be hard to find.

3. When they have finished saying the rhyme, tell the children to all move into the circle and find someone to shake hands and say Ephesians 4:32 - “Be kind to one another”.

4. Move out of the circle, walk around it and say the rhyme again.

5. After saying the rhyme, tell the children to move into the circle and find another person. This time have the children give a hug and repeat the verse again.

6. Continue saying the rhyme and having the children show different ways to be warm and kind.

7. Examples of actions: give a high five, thumbs-up, give a smile, put arm around the shoulder, pat on the back, say “Jesus love you.”

8. When the activity is over, remind the children to be warm and kind to others.

Parent Newsletter

June 24, 2012

Dear Parent

Concept Area

This week we focus on Family – God wants family members to be kind to one another.

Your child learned about ways to show kindness at the Nursery. You can follow-up with your child by asking your child what 3 acts of kindness they will be doing this coming week.

Bible Verse

The Bible verse used is Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind to one another”. You can recite this verse to your child at home during the week.

Special Delivery

We have special guest speaker, Frieda Nielsen to share a Bible Lesson and personal faith experience with the children on the topic kindness.


We sing the songs Clapping Hands and Beloved Let Us Love One Another and rhyme These are Helping Hands.


We did activities that touched on God’s creation such as animals, food, water, etc.

We hope this helps you to keep up with the education your child received at the nursery this Sunday.

Thank you for entrusting your child with us.

In His Service,

FIBC Nursery


Clapping Hands

Sing to the tune of “Jingle Bells”

Clapping hands, pounding hands,

Joining hands to help.

Others need to follow us

In helping out our friends.

These Are Helping Hands

Gather the children to say this simple rhyme together and add the actions to the rhyme:

These are my helping hands (shaking hands)

They’re as helpful as can be. (Open hands stretched out front.)

These are my working hands (pounding),

They’re happy as you see. (Wiggle fingers.)

God wants me to use my hands to help each other out. (Swing your arms.)

I can use my helping hands to help and clean and shout! (Have the children raise their hands in the air as they shout.)

Beloved Let Us Love One Another

Beloved, let us love one another,
For love is of God
And everyone who loves
Is born of God and he knows God.
The one who does not love, does not know God

For God is love!
Beloved let us love one another
For love is of God

Say Grace Song

Thank you for the world so sweet, Ho Hum

Thank you for the the food we eat, Yum Yum

Thank you for the birds that sing a-ling-a-ling

Thank you God for everything, Amen!

Time to Clean Up

Time to Clean Up (2X)

Boys and Girls (2X)

When we are good helpers (2X)

God is glad (2X)

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