Wednesday, 13 June 2012


J Summary (3Y3M8D) - Miss Doing School with Mommy

I had to attend the AGM meeting at J's kindergarten and returned home at 11pm last evening. Daddy said that J was crying a lot, missing me at bed time. When I came back, J cried in the middle of the night. I went in to him and he wanted to do homework, requesting for just one page.

I told this to Daddy and he told me that he was crying earlier at bed time, because he missed me. He said rhat J told him he missed doing school with me. I think that helped bring home the point to Daddy the desire of J wanting to do school. It helped me to solve some of the differences we had regarding doing school with a three year old.

This evening, I made sure that I found time to do school with J, to make up for yesterday, and we had a great time. I really cherish the memories.

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