Sunday, 29 July 2012


Møns Klint - The Cliff of Møn

Today, we visited Møns Klint - the Cliff of Møn in English, one of the most spectacular places in Denmark. It is situated in the Vordingborg county, which is 137 km south of Copenhagen in the city of Borre and takes about 1 hour 45 mins by car (or slightly less than 2 hours from our place).

The Cliff of Møn formed by white chalk created through lime shells from microscopic animals and plants being deposited on the bed of a tropical sea which covered most of Northern Europe 75 million years ago. The layers were lifted up slowly over the millions of years and when the gletchers of the iceage planed Møn they push the approximately 100 metres thick chalk flakes up from the underground.

It is worth to start by visiting the GeoCenter Møns Klint to learn about the chalk cliff and the story of the birth of Denmark. The exhibitions bring you a travel through time of 400 mill years ago, where high technological, the free interpretation of artists and rare fossils take you from the bottom of the ocean to the unique nature on top of the chalk cliffs Møns Klint.

The GeoCenter is fun for children. The summer season at runs from 30th June to 12th August, both days included. There are many fun activities which are included in the admission ticket. Thus, be sure to allocate sufficient time to explore in the center:

Daily activities:

10 AM to 3 PM: Treasure hunt in the exhibition
10 AM to 6 PM: Workshop - for the whole family
At 11 AM, 1 PM and 3 PM: Guided expedition to the fossil beach.
12 noon to 4 PM: Tree climbing and aerial runway -  feel the rush!
2 PM to 4 PM: Guided mountain bike ride on the Cliff of Møn

We watched a 3-D movie called Flying Monsters. David Attenborrough takes us 220 million years back in time, and Joshua enjoyed the flying dinosaurs in the movie. The movie touched on solving the mystery of why some reptiles started flying and entered the airspace back then. The story is more amazing than any fairy tale, and the flying reptiles get very close to you in 3D.

The best way to view the cliff is from the beach. The best way to get to the beach is from the GeoCenter Møns Klint, where you can walk down the long flight of steps down to the beach in approx. 15 - 20 minutes. The flight of stairs are located behind the playground of the center.

It is a long flight of stairs, but there are benches to rest along the way. So not to be afraid, if you are have children or older folks along on the trips.

We saw an interesting tree on the way down.

Joshua (3Y4M24D) walked down the flight of steps by himself and almost the full way on the return trip up the steps.

From the beach you may study the structure of the cliff. In the chalk beach, you will find flint stone in thin layers. They can be seen as dark lines and show how the ice has pressed and folded the layers of white chalk in many ways.

In the chalk beach, you may find fossilized shells from animals which lived in the chalk ocean such as cephalopods, sea urchins, and mussels. Joshua holding on to the fossils of a sea urchin in the picture below.

On the way back home, we passed by some private people selling freshly plucked strawberries, and bought some strawberries home. It was unmanned, you just have to pay by putting the money into the money box. Such trust would not have existed elsewhere, not in Singapore, but in the Danish countryside, you still get to experience it.

It is free to visit Møns Klint to see the cliff, however, below is the admission fee to the GeoCenter


The geocenter is located at
Stengårdsvej 8, 4791 Borre
Tlf: 55 86 36 00

Admission Fee to GeoCenter:

Adult 115 DKK each
Child (3-11years) 75  DKK each
Adult group 10+ persons 100 DKK each
Children group 10+ persons 65 DKK each
School classes, per pupil (2 teachers free) 75 DKK each
Guide for one hour (please book in advance) 500 DKK

Opening Hours:
It is open every day - weekdays and weekends from 31 march-31 october.
Easter (holiday): 31. March - 9. April 10.00-17.00
10. April - 3. May 11.00-17.00
St. Bededag (holiday): 4. May - 6. May 10.00-17.00
7. May - 16. May 11.00-17.00
Kr. Himmelfart (holiday): 17. May - 20. May 10.00-17.00
21. May - 25. May 11.00-17.00
Pinse (holiday): 26. May - 28. May 10.00-17.00
29. May - 4. June 11.00-17.00
Grundlovsdag (holiday): 5. June 10.00-17.00
6. June - 29. June 11.00-17.00
Peak season: 30. June - 12. August 10.00-18.00
13. August - 12. October 11.00-17.00
School holiday: 13. October - 21. October 10.00-17.00
22. October - 31. October 11.00-17.00
31. October -22. March 2013 Closed


If you are driving to the Møns Klint, you can park at the Geocenter. The parking fee is DKK 25 or 5 Euros. You can buy a parking coin at the GeoCentre's reception, when you buy the admission ticket which will facilitate swift and easy exit, however coins or credit card will be valid payment at the exit from the parking space.


Be warned however that the Cliff of Møn is a "living" cliff as the shape is changing due to land slides. The last major one happened in 2007. Land slides are most common during winter and spring. The steps down to the beach, the walk along the cliffs, the walk down the beach are all to be done at your own risk. However, as landslides are most common during winter and spring, the risk is less during summer time. It is thus best to go during summer.


On the way there, we stopped by the harbour at Klintholm Røgeri (approx. 5km from Møns Klint) for lunch, which serves traditional Danish lunch with all the fish dishes. It offers a lunch buffet from 12 - 3pm and cost 108 DKK per adult. Children under 12 cost 54 DKK. There is a dinner buffet from 6pm at 155 DKK per adult and 75 DKK for children under 12. You can visit their website


We wanted initially to go there a day earlier from home and stay at the campsite, but we didn't manage to do so. Møn klint can easily be a day trip, however for those who wish to stay overnight to explore the nearby safari park, there is a camping site in vicinity.

The campsite is in 2012 open from April 1st to October 31st
Numbers of spaces: 400
From the 1st of April to the 26th of June and from 26th of August to the 31st of October.
Adult: 85,- dkk./day,
Children to the age of 12: 60,- dkk./day
Electricity: 40,- dkk./dag
Environmental fee: 20 dkk. pr. unit/day

From the 26th of June to the 26th of August
Adult: 85,- dkk./day,
Children to the age of 12: 60,- dkk./day
Electricity: 40,- dkr./dag
Environmental fee: 20 dkk. pr. unit/day
Caravan: 45,-dkk./day
Tent: 25,- dkk./day


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