Sunday, 29 July 2012


Montessori Activity: Matching Letters

Age: From 3 years old

1. To teaching the concept of reading in a fun and concrete way

1. 1 page of large-print advertisement from used magazine or book. (You can also use used printed powerpoint presentation).
2. 1 letter magnet (in this example, it is the letter 'a')
3. 1 pencil
4. 1 tray

1. Pick a letter, for example, the letter 'a' and show it to your child pronouncing its name and sound.

2. Encourage your child to try to look for all the letter 'a' on the page and circle them out if it is a magazine.

1. Read out the word to your child, as he succeeded in finding and circling the letter.

Additional Information:
This activity is designed by Joshua himself. When I asked him to pick the letter a on a page, he went to pick the letter 'a' magnet and looked for the letter in the page. Joshua (3Y4M17D) tried this activity on 22.7.2012.

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