Duration: 6.30 - 7.45pm (1 hour 15 mins)
Today we worked on the alphabet. Today I tried to incorporate learning using the five senses - hear, see, touch and write.
Montessori Time:
Joshua requested to work on Leap Frog. We repeated with the phonics of letter 'a' by playing the leap frog and I sing along with it (actually it helps me too to revise the letter sounds as English isn't my mother tongue).
Joshua touched the miniature ants, while listening to the phonic leap frog as well as Mommy.
'C' is for Comb... and Joshua combing his hair...
Blanket Time:
We read only one book today - The 'a' Sound Box, as Joshua did not take his nap in the afternoon (We have a rule, if nap 3 books, no nap 1 book)
It is the 'a' sound box... and Joshua manupulating the ant...
and alligator to make the characters come alive and acted out some of the scenes... but he doesn't say much in English yet.
This series of books which go well with teaching phonics in a fun and relaxed way are available from Amazon:
Desk Time:
We practised writing the Big letter 'A'. Thereafter Joshua got tired and we didn't continue with practising writing the small letter 'a'. On hingsight, I should have started with the small letter 'a', since we have done big 'A' on dry erase before.
We bought these English and Chinese books from Popular Bookshop in Singapore www.popular.com.sg
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