Thursday, 22 August 2013


J Summary (4Y5M17D) - Cycling & Jogging

We have been encouraging J to jog, but he is not the type who likes jogging.

We don't push. We encourage. We lead by example.

Now that he can cycle, I will jog while he cycle. I inspired Daddy to do the same. Today, it was the second time that Daddy jogged along (My Significant Other does jog a lot more than me, but in recent years, has gotten so used to the car, that it has not been so frequent). Then something amazing happened, J started jogging with us for quite a while, while Daddy jogged and pushed his bicycle. J finally got inspired!!!

My perseverance of leading by example has paid off.

I jogged a total of 6 km today together with Daddy, while J cycled on the way there and jogged and cycled on the way back.

I will remember this and continue to learn to lead by example for J.

I am looking forward to more. We haven't been doing much Montessori, as the summer is so short in Denmark. I am focusing on outdoor activities and doing Chinese.

We didn't have any pictures because all 3 of us were running.

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