Saturday, 4 August 2012


Summer Home Camp 2012

It is sometimes hard to find time out from work to organize a vacation and go camping, but we went for the simple solution that still allows us to experience some camping - we do it at home. It does not cost a penny, easy to plan and comfortable (we had all our comforters in the tent :-) This is also our first experience and we must say we thoroughly enjoyed it, especially J.

Before we started our camp, we faithfully did our School Time, in line with the traditional Chinese motto "work before play".

Montessori Time

We kicked off the camp with Montessori activity by buidling a pattern of tent, in line with our camp theme.

Blanket Time:

Daddy took over Blanket Time in the tent with reading Danish books, while Mommy quickly attended to some household chores...

J chose the puzzle we received from the sweet Sunday School Teachers, Julia and Martie from Interlaken... and showed me how it worked...

Quiet Time:

For Quiet Time, we read a story from the Bible related to camp - Abraham's prayer

We did not do any Desk Time today, which was the exception to our School Time. Time to zip up the tent and sleep...

It was getting late and way past J's bed time, but he was too excited and having too much fun to sleep...

We had a cosy time together in the tent...

I read some Bible verses from this pocket verses, and J made it into a flower...

It was getting dark, and Florian took out the candle light (operated by battery... we cheated with fake candles for safety reasons)

Alright, finally time to zip up and sleep... nite nite...

Waking up to a nice cool quiet morning...

Let's open the "door" and see how the day looks...

J trying to wake Daddy up with a trumpet!!!

We had a cosy time in the tent... on a lazy Saturday morning...

Some pillow fights...

Okie dokie... slowly getting ready to wake up fully...

hello J, say Mommy from our "castle tower"

We had our breakfast outside the tent... enjoying the simple joys that God provided...

Bye bye... that's the end of our little family camp at home :-)

Our tent is from a brand called Easy Camp. We used a 2-person tent for all 3 of us. It fitted us comfortably and we are very happy for it - light and easy to set up, without having to mount into the ground. There are some good tents available too from amazon too:

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