Tuesday, 14 August 2012



Age: From 3 years old or when the child can hop on one foot

Duration: 5 - 15 minutes

1. To provide a fun way to practice hoping on one foot
2. A way to revise the numbers 1 - 10

1. 1 chalk
2. 1 concrete backyard or corridor

1. Draw a hopscotch design on concrete floor with chalk.

2. Throw a flat stone or to land on square no. 1 without touching the border. If you don't get it right, you lose your turn and pass the stone to the next person.

3. If you do get it right, hop on to square no. 2. Through all the squares, skipping the square you have your stone on.

4. When you get to no. 10, turn around on one foot and hop your way back, picking up your stone on the along the way.

5. Pass the stone to the next person. If you completed the course with your stone on square no. 1 without losing your turn, throw your stone onto square no. 2 on your next turn. Your goal is to complete the course with the stone on each square. The first person to do this wins the game!

For variation, try with number from 11 - 20 next time, or try even with words. If you are Christian, you can write verses on the squares instead.

Additional Information:
Joshua could hop with one foot for some time now, and I have been wanting to try hopscotch with him. Finally Joshua (3Y5M9D) got to try it today at our corridor. Hopscotch is a great way to practise gross motor skills of young children - just make sure that you draw the squares pre-schooler size. I amde the mistake today of drawing them wee bit too large. He got frustrated at not being able to hop in one step to the next square, and decided to play lego with daddy instead. Neverthemind, I will try again next time.

Playing with Joshua brought back lots of childhood memories. Growing up, I used to play hopsctoch with my best friends at Holland V. It doesn't cost a penny, but it is a lot of fun.



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