Friday 13 December 2013


Best Fun & Educational Toys (8 Years Old)

1. LEGO Technic

Technic is a line of Lego interconnecting plastic rods and parts. The purpose of this series is to create more advanced models with more complex movable arms, such as machines with wheels, in addition to the simpler brick-building properties of normal Lego. Gears have been included within Lego Technic sets as a way of transferring rotary power, and of gearing-up or down the speed. Ages 8 - 14:

2. eitech Construction

3. Space

4. Physics

5. Chemistry

6. Electricity & Electronics

This toy is an excellent introduction to electronics. It is ideal for your child on the road to understanding electricity. Everything just snaps together like building blocks, and there's no need for screwdrivers, soldering irons, electrical tape or testers. Think of this as the "LEGO" approach to wiring. Ages 8 - 12.

7. Magnetism

8. Light

9. Energy

10. Air & Water Power

11. Solar Power

12. Wind Power

13. Renewable Energy

14. Biology

15. Archaeology

16. Making Weather

17. Human Body Anatomy Models

18. DNA

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