Monday, 31 August 2015


J Summary (6Y5M26D)

J started school on the 12 August. It has gone very well. I brought him to school every day. He is very happy that I am with him, and happy that I hold his hands. He is the only one who has packed lunch bento-style, rather than Danish-style, but he is not embarrassed about his cute bento lunch box. He said that everyday, his teachers took many pictures of his bento lunch box. Today, we came to his class and took out the lunch box. We discovered that the toppings dropped from his "fish" decorated bun. He wanted me to arranged it back, and wasn't concerned with what his classmates think.

In J's school, parents are allowed to participate in the morning assembly. And always, he is happy that I attend, and not embarrassed that I came along. Today, he held my hands on the back to the class, while the hand of another child. There may come a day, when he does not want me to attend the morning assemblies anymore... so I treasure every of these moments.

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