Friday, 28 August 2015


Montessori Activity: Small Bead Frame - Static Addition (Without Exchange)

Note: I am showing the large bead frame above, because it is not necessary to buy both the small bead frame and the large bead frame. I am using the large bead frame to do the small bead frame exercises.

AGE: 5.5 (after the child has worked with the Stamp Game)


To show the relationship between the different place values in the decimal system.


1. Small bead frame
2. 1 worksheet
3. 1 green, red and blue pencil


1. Read a problem to your child, i.e.:

+ 2132

2. Ask your child to build the first addend on the bead frame, i.e. slide 1 green unit bead to the right, 6 blue ten beads to the right, 4 red hundred beads to the right and 3 green thousand beads to the right.

3. Ask your child to build the second addend with the remaining beads, i.e. slide 2 green unit beads to the right, 3 blue ten beads to the right, 1 red hundred bead to the right and 2 green thousand beads to the right.

4. Count the beads on the right and record the answer, i.e. 5593 on the worksheet.

5. Read aloud the question and answer with your child before you end.


1. Read a problem to your child...

2. Ask your child to build the first addend on the bead frame, i.e. slide 1 green unit bead to the right, 6 blue ten beads to the right, 4 red hundred beads to the right and 3 green thousand beads to the right.

3. Ask your child to build the second addend with the remaining beads, i.e. slide 2 green unit beads to the right, 3 blue ten beads to the right, 1 red hundred bead to the right and 2 green thousand beads to the right.

4. Count the beads on the right and...

record the answer, i.e. 5593 on the worksheet.

5. Read aloud the question and answer with your child before you end.


J tried this out for the first time today. We started with 4-digit static addition and he wanted something more difficult. We proceeded to 5-digit static addition. He found it challenging learning to read the 5-digit numbers, but had a lot of fun with it. We did this exercise in Chinese Mandarin. I have recorded a video of him trying to read the 5-digit numbers:

1 September 2015 (6Y5M27D)

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