Tuesday, 11 August 2015


Montessori Activity: Division Board - Dynamic Division (With Remainder)

AGE: 5.5 years (after the child is familiar with the Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication Stamp Game)


To illustrate the concept of division in a concrete and easy to understand way.


1. Division Board
2. Division worksheet
3. Pencil and eraser
4. 1 mat (optional)


1. Read the question i.e. 30 ÷ 8 = ?

2. Pretend that the skittles represent people and the beads represent green apples.

3. Explain that 30 is called the dividend [红利] and it represents the total number of "apples" to be shared.

4. Explain that 8 is called the divisor [除数] and it represents the number of people to share the apples equally.

5. Explain that you are trying to find out how many "apples" each "person" will have, and the answer to this is called the quotient [商数].

6. Count out 30 beads ("apples") and put them into a small bowl.

7. Place 8 skittles ("people") across the top of the board, counting as you go along, and say, "these are people to share those apples in the tray."

8. Distribute the beads ("apples") from the bowl to each skittle one at a time row by row until there are not enough skittles to complete a row.

9.  Ask your child to count the beads ("apples") under each skittle ("person") and your child should answer 3. Explain that this is the quotient and it means that each person will get 3 "apples".

10. Ask your child how many apples are left in the tray that cannot fill a row of people. Your child will count and answer 6.

11. Ask your child to write the answer 3 on the worksheet.

12. Ask your child to write the remainder 6 on the worksheet.

13. Ask your child to repeat the question, count and write the answer 3 on the paper i.e. 30 ÷ 8 = 3 with remainder 6.

14. Invite your child to try the next question.



J (6Y5M6D) tried this on 11 August 2015. He could do so mentally without using the beads.

Substituting with LEGO

Montessori Album has a fantastic idea - if you don't have this Montessori materials, not to worry, you can use LEGO man and LEGO - see here:



Shu-Chen Jenny Yen's On-line Montessori Album

The division board is available from Amazon:


1. Read the question i.e. 30 ÷ 8 = ?

2. Pretend that the skittles represent people and the beads represent green apples.

3. Explain that 30 is called the dividend [红利] and it represents the total number of "apples" to be shared.

4. Explain that 8 is called the divisor [除数] and it represents the number of people to share the apples equally.

5. Explain that you are trying to find out how many "apples" each "person" will have, and the answer to this is called the quotient [商数].

6. Count out 30 beads ("apples") and put them into a small tray.

7. Place 8 skittles ("people") across the top of the board, counting as you go along, and say, "these are people to share those apples in the tray."

8. Distribute the beads ("apples") from the tray to each skittle one at a time row by row until there are not enough skittles to complete a row.

9.  Ask your child to count the beads ("apples") under each skittle ("person") and your child should answer 3. Explain that this is the quotient and it means that each person will get 3 "apples".

10. Ask your child how many apples are left in the tray that cannot fill a row of people. Your child will count and answer 6. 

11. Ask your child to write the answer 3 on the worksheet. 

12. Ask your child to write the remainder 6 on the worksheet.

13. Ask your child to repeat the question, count and write the answer 3 on the paper i.e. 30 ÷ 8 = 3 with remainder 6.

13 August 2015 (6Y5M8D)

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