Friday, 28 August 2015


Montessori Activity: Small Bead Frame - With Exchange

Note: I am showing the large bead frame above, because it is not necessary to buy both the small bead frame and the large bead frame. I am using the large bead frame to do the small bead frame exercises.

AGE: 5.5 (after the child has worked with the Stamp Game)


To show the relationship between the different place values in the decimal system.


1. Small bead frame
2. 1 worksheet
3. 1 green, red and blue pencil


1. Slide the green unit beads one by one to the right, and as you do so, say, "one unit, two units" all the way to 10 units.

2. After having counted 10 green units say, "Ten units make one ten," and move the 10 green unit beads back to the left and at the same time move 1 blue ten bead to the right.

3. Ask your child to record this on paper and ask your child if there is any green unit bead left. He will say no, and because there are no green unit beads left, ask him to write a zero in the unit column on the worksheet and a 1 on the ten column on the worksheet.

5. Repeat this for the tens, hundreds, and thousand.

6. Continue counting and moving 10 blue ten beads to the right.

7. After having counted 10 blue beads, say, "10 blue ten beads make 1 hundred," and move the 10 blue beads back while moving 1 red bead to the right.

8. Ask your child to record this on paper and ask your child if there is any blue ten bead left. He will say no. Ask him to write a zero in the ten column on the worksheet and a 1 on the hundred column on the worksheet.

9. Continue counting and moving 10 red hundred beads to the right.

10. After having counted 10 red beads, say, "10 red hundred beads make 1 thousand," and move the 10 red beads back while moving 1 green bead from the 4th wire to the right.

11. Ask your child to record this on paper and ask your child if there is any red hundred bead left. He will say no. Ask him to write a zero in the hundred column on the worksheet and a 1 on the hundred column on the worksheet.


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