Saturday, 1 July 2017


Danish Seasonal Activity Calendar for Kids

Although there are no mountains to climb in Denmark, it is richly blessed with idyllic green meadows and the four seasons. Denmark has lots of things to offer kids, and it is very often free. Many of these activities are actually simple joys of enjoying the natural fruits of the Danish land. Here is seeing Denmark through the eyes of a kid with a Danish Seasonal Activity Calendar I have made for our kids.

Calendar format credit Chastine's vuggestue, which has been very good in making a weekly plan in pictures, so that we can show our children who could not really yet talk or read, and talk about it.

This helps to give me an easy overview of what seasonal (mainly) activities greater Copenhagen has to offer, for kids along with the address (to be keyed into GPS) and website.

Note: This calendar is tailor-made for our family. It is not so neat and may not be suited for everyone, as all the places are chosen within reach from our home.

An activity that looks a little out-of-place according to the theme of this calendar takes place in March. As there aren't so many seasonal activities to do in March, which is the month that J's birthday falls on, we choose to go and watch a movie instead or visit a museum :-)

The Chinese festival celebrations also don't belong to this calendar, but it is placed here for the convenience of our family :-)

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