Thursday, 8 January 2015



My Mr. FECS told our Little FECS, that his cousin, K, who is a role model in the family, did very well, because he loved playing chess as a kid, according to his father. That inspired our Little FECS to play chess.

It seemed that all his friends from kindergarten are also very into chess right now. It seemed they were all inspired by this boy called Aksel. So it was just a very coincidental timing :-) Our Little FECS was playing chess all by himself, yesterday, when Daddy went to pick him up. And at home, all he wants to do, when he woke up in the morning, was to play chess.

My Mr. FECS went back to his childhood home and digged out this chess set, that he played with his father, when he was a child.

I actually don't know how to play chess at all, so I have to learn it from Daddy and J :-)


14 Jan 2015 (5Y10M9D) - J and Daddy playing chess, while waiting for Mommy to come home from work. Five minutes later, J was in tears, because he lost to Daddy big time.

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