Tuesday, 3 November 2015


J Summary (6Y6M28D) - Bedtime Prayer

At bedtime this evening, I encouraged J to pray.

He said he didn't know how to pray. I said that prayer is just talking to God. He said he didn't know how to say it.

I asked him what he want to pray about.

He said he wanted that his daddy, Uncle P, farmor and mormor to know Christ. Very pleased that deep in his heart is the salvation of the Ngs and the Friis. So I said, just tell God that. After a long to-and-fro, he said he will try.

So he prayed: Dear God, Uncle P MUST become Christian NOW. I want my daddy to know you NOW. I want my farmor and mormor to accept Jesus into their hearts NOW. NOW GOD. In Jesus' name, Amen. (along with very demanding tone)

I was taken aback. When I told him that prayer is like talking to God, I meant to present prayer requests to God, not demands. His prayer was totally demanding. He was like commanding God to do things.

So I told him, this is not praying, this is demanding. He asked me how. So I prayed and showed him.
But now I regretted a little asking him to pray. I wondered if I had done the right thing to ask him to pray. Will God be offended by his demands?

So I asked him whether it was because didn't have the language, or is it because he just wanted to demand God. I want to know his heart.

I asked God to forgive him, but now I am still feeling rather distressed in my heart. I really hope God will not take offend, that God will forgive him and will give him another chance.

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