Monday, 9 November 2015


Volunteering for the Homeless This Christmas 2015

I said before, our family hasn't been very good in implementing the volunteering part of our FECS Family Traditions. As I look back at the list of traditions I wanted to cultivate for our family, volunteering is the most under-achieved.

This year, God has brought us an opportunity to serve the homeless at our church ( - so convenient. I don't have to go around doing research. It is served right at our door-step. Yet, I know I will have to be on my knees and pray hard, that our volunteering goal will materialize this year.

We are kindda clumsy and awkward in this area. Both Mr. FECS and I are introverts. We are not very good at getting out of our comfort zones. We are not very good at making small talk, preferring to be just among our cozy little small group of friends and family. Besides, Christmas is a very hectic period in Denmark, full of social activities, and usually Mr. FECS would get an overdose already by mid-November just being with his small group of friends, that he needs to retreat into his cave and re-charge, to re-gain his energy before he can face the human race again.To ask him to meet total strangers? No way.

I think we will be learning and benefiting more from this experience, than actually good at offering practical help. This is what I learn, when I volunteered in the past. I always gained more, than what I have given out.

I will pray and commit to God. If we manage to realize it this year, I will be very happy. If not, I will learn to be patient and to give my family more time to mature in this area, and pray that we will be ready next year.

What about your family? Has it been easy for your family to volunteer? Do you face the same challenges as I do? Don't give up.

19 December 2015 - Setting up the table

Warming up the food

The homeless having their warm meal

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