Sunday, 24 October 2010


A call to go back to church... (Part 2)

This is a prayer of thanks for God's faithfulness in helping me to follow through with my promise to go to church.

I made a commitment to go to church two Saturdays ago. God gave me an easy start by giving me a wonderful sunshine weather last last Sunday to accompany my walk to church. Today, God increased the challenge by bringing in the drizzle, but I kept to my promise and went to church. Both Sundays, I was late to start my walk, as I was still getting "toned up" to my new routine. As such, I had to take a bus mid-way for a few stops, before resuming the walk, in order to make it in time for church. Throughout the bus-journey, I prayed that J would not be woken up. J slept throughout the short bus-journey, thank God. Thank you God, for being with me, and walking beside me, even in the rain.

Although I have now allocated time to go to church and thus have even less time during the weekends, this weekend I was able to accomplish a lot more than many of the weekends I didn't manage to have the time to go to church. Through this experience, God has reminded me that if I honour Him, He will honour me. If I put Him first in my life, he will make direct my path and help me through all the demands of the day. What I have given Him, He has returned me in multiple folds, by giving me the strength and the mental capacity to be efficient and to multi-task this weekend.

No matter what the world say, may I continue to be brave and courageous to step out in faith and honour God in my life, trusting Him to help me through the days and weeks and years ahead in this very challenging and rewarding career as a mother. Thank you God, for helping me to keep to a very rigorous schedule as a mother.

The Bible says:

"If the LORD delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand." - Psalm 37:23

"Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honour him." - Psalm 91:14-15

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