Thursday, 7 October 2010


What do you do when you have a tiff with your spouse?

26 February 2010

The other day my friend and I were chatting about what we usually do when we have a tiff with our spouse. She said she would usually run out of the house. I asked her where she can go, since it is very cold outside. She told me that she would take a train-ride to nowhere.

That’s a good idea. Maybe I should do the same, run out of the house. But besides taking a train, what else can I do?

Maybe I will run to the cemetery in the church yard.

Looking at the graves really reminds me how short life is. Soon we will be no more. Why should I spend our precious time quarrelling? Whatever anger I have usually melts away. It makes me miss Florian right away that I just want to run straight home to him!

"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” — Psalm 90:12

Life is so short. Soon we will be no more. Enjoy every moment with your spouse.

I just went to the church yard to take this picture. So no guessing what happened before that :-)

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