Friday, 12 September 2014


Montessori Activity: The Exchange Game 2

1 supply box of golden bead material serving as The Bank
 AGE: 5 years old

To demonstrate that 10 units can be exchanged for a ten-bar, 10 ten-bars can be exchanged for a hundred-square, and 10 hundred-squares can be exchanged for a thousand-cube. 


1. 1 supply box of golden bead material serving as The Bank
2. 1 tray containing random amount of beads of each type from The Bank
3. 1 mat
4. 2 containers for containing the unit beads

1.     Put some units, ten-bars, hundred-squares and thousand-cubes into a box and say, “What a mess this bank is, I wonder how many beads we have?”

2.     Sort them out in group from right to left the unit beads in a bowl, ten-bars, hundred-squares and thousand-cubes on the mat. 

3.     Ask your child to count the unit beads into an empty bowl and when he reaches the tenth unit, let your child exchange them for a ten-bar, say, “Exchange!” and place it with the other ten-bars.

4.     Repeat in the same manner until there are insufficient units to exchange a ten-bar.

5.     Ask your child to count the ten-bars and when he reaches the tenth bar, let your child exchange them for a hundred-square, say, “Exchange!” and place it with the other hundred-squares.

6.     Repeat until there are insufficient bars to exchange a hundred-square.

7.     Ask your child to count the hundred-squares and when he reaches the tenth square, let your child exchange them for a thousand-cube, say, “Exchange!” and place it with the other thousand-cubes.

8.     Repeat until there are no more hundred-squares that can be exchanged for a thousand-cube.

9.    Ask your child to count the thousand-cubes he has in total now.

10.  Show your child that it is very easy to now see how much you have in the bank after exchanging by counting them together.

Put some units, ten-bars, hundred-squares and thousand-cubes into a box and say, “What a mess this bank is, I wonder how many beads we have?”

Sort them out in group from left to right the unit beads in a bowl, ten-bars, hundred-squares and thousand-cubes on the mat.

Ask your child to count the unit beads into an empty bowl and

when he reaches the tenth unit, let your child exchange them for a ten-bar, say, “Exchange!” and

place it with the other ten-bars. Repeat in the same manner until there are insufficient units to exchange a ten-bar.

Ask your child to count the ten-bars and when he reaches the tenth bar, let your child exchange them for a hundred-square, say, “Exchange!” and

place it with the other hundred-squares. Repeat until there are insufficient bars to exchange a hundred-square.

Ask your child to count the hundred-squares and when he reaches the tenth square, let your child exchange them for a thousand-cube, say, “Exchange!”

place it with the other thousand-cubes. Repeat until there are no more hundred-squares that can be exchanged for a thousand-cube. Ask your child to count the thousand-cubes he has in total now.

Show your child that it is very easy to now see how much you have in the bank after exchanging by counting them together.

17 Nov 2014 (5Y8M12D)

J counting the ones and tens with containers, which he picked himself on his own initiative


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